Sunday, February 6, 2011

Space Invaders

No, I'm not talking about the video game.

I have recently (as in the last 3 months) taken up Zumba. I love Zumba. I'm Irish and thus have limited dancing skills especially in light of the fact that I was an Irish dancer for many years. Irish dancing requires a rigid body, hands by the side, rapid fire tapping of the toes and heels....the total antithesis of zumba.

But I give it my best effort. I love dancing and am married to a man who I have to drag onto the dance floor at events, functions, weddings. Now I have this foot thing going on that is eventually going to require surgery. So I'm playing a game of beat the clock and do it while I can. But I still love to dance. The beautiful thing about getting older is that you really don't give a rat's ass what people think. I do things because I enjoy them. I enjoy Zumba even if I don't get all the steps down pat. I move, I sweat, I come home in a great mood which my kids and my husband enjoy.

On Saturday, I went to Zumba and encountered the parking debacle. That fixed itself eventually. It's a busy shopping center on a Saturday so I get that. I get into the class, Eddie is teaching which is always a fun time and I have two great friends with me for the bonus.

I haven't been to zumba in a while and am happy to be back until half way through the hour long class. It's the Ginger Chick. She bounced me out of my spot as well as my two girlfriends. She was a ping pong ball in a zumba class. She was a freaking nightmare. She took my zen away. I'll be honest. I was a party to allowing her to take my zumba zen away. But it was unavoidable. My BFFs tried to convince me to let it go. I tried. But she wreaked havoc on at least six people. It had to be addressed. I still managed to enjoy the class. It ended and we headed outside. There was Ginger Chick.

In order to be true to myself, I had to say something to her. Opportunity opened the door. I stepped through it. I told her what a distraction she was, how she needed to pick a spot and stick with it, how rude it was that she bumped me out of my spot and others. She first blamed it on other people and then apologized. I sweated my ass off and for the most part had a great time but she owes me a Zumba class.

Another girl friend had a similar experience in her hot yoga class where people who had room would not move over. She was pissed that they took her yoga zen away.

Really, people? Be considerate. Be mindful. Yes, I know I make up my own steps during Zumba class but I make sure it does not interfere with the enjoyment of others. So, Ginger Chick, step out of my space.

On a side note, go Packers. You deserve it, Aaron Rodgers.

1 comment:

  1. Gosh, I know this is an old post - but found this whilst googling to see if anyone had ways of dealing with people like this. Got a girl in my class who, when asked, says she's been doing this for years but not only does not follow the instructor's moves but managed to invade my space so much (she was stood behind me) that, without knowing she was there, I almost head butted her :S

    I really don't know how to deal with it without coming across b!tchy but it's quite off putting having to keep my peripheral vision peeled whilst learning new steps - so I knwo your pain!
