Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Those of you who know me are well aware of my love of all things cleaning. I love new cleaning gadgets. I especially love new cleaning products.

I am a baseball mom of two baseball kids who play on four baseball teams during the spring season. They play in Half Hollow Hills Little League on some of the most spectacular baseball fields on Long Island, perhaps all of New York State, in Otsego Park.

I know it sounds like I'm digressing but I'm not. Cleaning products and baseball are eternally interwined in my home, especially in the laundry room.

I love everything about Otsego Park except for the red dirt. Steve Muraco is the president of Half Hollow Hills Little League and he's a great man in my book except for the fact that he LOVES white baseball pants. Otsego Red Dirt + HHHLL White Baseball Pants = a crazed mom trying to get stains out of the baseball pants to no avail.

That was until last summer when my buddy Becky flippantly said what's the big deal, just use this stuff I use, SA8, as she tossed the whole team a bottle. And she was pretty much on the money. You squeezed it on the stains. Threw the article of clothing into the washing machine and let Maytag (or whomever your particular laundry god is) do its thing. It worked. It took the damnable red stains out of the hated white pants. So I used it all summer and life was good. I even posted before & after photos of my son's white baseball pants. I was elected to do wash all the baseball pants for the team, an honor I cherished but declined.

And then disaster struck. Amway stopped producing my beloved SA8 and came out with some environmentally friendly version of the product that just did not work. I was heartbroken.

I emailed the company and found I was in fine company with a lot of other heartbroken people who wanted the old product back.

It's been a long road to the point of today's blog. Amway has come out with an aerosol can version of the old SA8. I received my first shipment in early December and I plan on hoarding as much of the product as I can in case Amway ever decides to play with my emotions and my psyche ever again.

Buy Classic Laundry Prewash Spray Spot Treatment for your problematic laundry issues. It's $8.99/can and it will save your mental health when it comes to laundry. You can thank me later :)

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