My favorite movie of all time is on tonight. I usually save it for when I decorate my Christmas tree but it's on in black & white so I got drawn in. It's putting me into the Christmas spirit. My boys took down the Christmas decos and tomorrow is decorating day for the outside of the house.
This has been a difficult year for a variety of reasons. I've lost a lot of friends this year. I've attended more wakes than I can remember or than I can count on two hands.
I've felt badly that I haven't blogged in three months but I'm letting myself off the hook on that one. I've re-read my previous posts for the last year. I wrote them and I enjoyed reading them again. I am writing again and I'm enjoying it.
It's been a difficult year. I am trying to enjoy the present and not wait for things to get better. Things will be as good as I make them or as good as I handle them.
I got a text today from my dear friend Kim (and former babysitter) asking if the boys would like to go with her and her sister on their annual Christmas adventure. Before telling the boys that she had texted, Joe asked me if they were doing their annual Christmas trip with Carrie and Kim. Timing is everything.
I guess what I'm trying to say is it's a wonderful life even when you have a shitty day/month/year. And it's the little moments of joy that make it all bearable.
So thank you to Kim, NBC and Honey Delight Spa. I had a really good day :)
PS Upcoming topics: Herman Cain - Jerry Sandusky - don't play with your partner's feet under the table at a restaurant and then EAT - it's not a crime to say Buon Natale
Chappy CHHHaaalladay!